I’ve set many goals for myself in my life, but I’ve always wanted to achieve these 4 things.

(1) Be a great Mother

(2) Own my own business one day

(3) Be a successful business woman, in an industry, I love!

(4) Do a bloody good job at all those things!

In addition to helping Haydon (my husband) & our Director run Regal Crane Hire, my other passion is running Wishful Inking Co as a cosmetic tattooist part-time, out of a clinic in South Brisbane.

Of course, some said to me; “it’s impossible to do all that effectively” and others said, “that sounds hard, where would you even start?”

So I broke the mould.

Being a mother, part-time cosmetic tattooist, and a crane hire/rigging business co-owner, I’ve never fit the mould.  Maybe some women can, and all the power to them, but the reality of the ‘working Mum’ is never shown to the majority, let alone a working Mum in the construction industry.

I found that juggling being a mother, a woman in construction, and a business co-owner was not a walk in the park.

How I Succeed at The Toughest Juggling Act Out There: Being a Mum, Owning a Business and Working in Construction

It all comes down to learning valuable lessons over the years and putting them into practice.

These are just 7 valuable tips I’ve found that work for me. Hopefully, all my fellow working Mums out there can use these to make the juggling act of Mum life and business more manageable and fulfilling.

Seven Useful Ways to Help Juggle Mum Life and Business Life

Time Management is vital.

For me, time management is vital to surviving in business and motherhood. We’re not superhuman, we can’t be in two places at once (that would be nice though), and we can’t tell the future (that would also be nice) – but having an outline of what you need to achieve throughout the day and blocking out time slots to do so is a huge help.

So start small. Create a schedule to follow each week (do this in advance, maybe the weekend prior).  But don’t feel pressured to stick to it by the minute. If it doesn’t seem to be working for you one week, adjust it the following week so it’s more manageable.  It can take some practice, but you’ll find your flow!

  • Organisation: it’s a game-changer

I live, love and breathe my businesses. Actually, it’s almost like another child of mine (that I didn’t have to physically give birth to)!  I need to stay organised to keep the businesses running on track (with my husband Haydon and our fantastic crew).

So, I Organise. Everything. Everything has a system.

When I started to make sure that all the suitable systems were in place, it helped me stay on track with my business goals while keeping my little ones happy (Ok I’m lying – while keeping my kids happy most of the time).  

If there’s a lack of organisation within your business, you’ll find work-life and homelife slowly tearing at the seams.  I find being organised is the key to keeping your work life and family life thriving.

  • Opt for flexible working hours where possible

A very special perk of running or co-owning a business is that you’re in charge of your hours.

So make the most of this perk!

That’s not saying, that when starting out your business you won’t need to make some sacrifices.  Of course you will – it comes with the territory.  There may be long hours, sleepless nights (talking mostly about the kids here  haha) and issues that are required to be sorted out on the daily…..BUT it will get better!

I’m blessed to have an incredible hands-on director and an amazing team of hard workers with us at Regal Crane Hire. This is what allows me to be flexible with my work hours while getting everything checked off my list.

  • Create a balance

There’s no all-time perfect balance.  It will change from day to day, month to month, year to year – that’s a given!  Always expect a curveball to throw off your newly acquired harmony.  Kind of like when you just get your newborn into a sleep routine and then BAM!  They decide to change things up a little….a little less sleep, a little less sanity, and a lot less calm to the household – am I right?!

Nonetheless, when you organise your time, make sure there’s balance in every day. Time for work. Time for family. TIME FOR YOU!

A good balance keeps bubs happy, the hubs happy, the crew happy, and (should definitely) keep you in an excellent state of mind.

In fact, rather than use the word balance, use harmony. Create work-life harmony. Make ‘me time’ happen.

Many Mums and Mums in business work so hard, they have no time left for themselves.

I’m telling you now – ‘me time’ IS necessary!  

Ok mums, I’m not talking about going for a boozy girls weekend every other weekend (although if this is possible within your schedule then cheers to you!).  I’m talking more about trying to set aside even 15-30mins a day to just have some time to yourself, doing what you like to do (or otherwise, don’t usually get time to do). 

Even if it’s just sitting on the couch with a cup of tea/wine (same same) and getting a bit of “Ellen” in – just do it!  And don’t feel guilty for it!  You’ll more then make up for it when it comes to get the kids from school and the daily grind of mum life begins again.

I cherish every moment I have to myself; it’s my time to recharge and, in turn, keeps family and business life intact.

  • Get rid of the guilt.

I used to feel guilty for exercising, doing a bit of retail therapy or catching up with friends instead of being with the kids.

Wow, did I feel better once I ditched the guilt! We need to reserve time for these things to keep our sanity- no one can be a super Mum and business owner day in, day out. Taking time for these tasks keeps me focused on my business goals and be a more patient and energetic mum when looking after my kids.

Surround yourself with supportive business partners

Surrounding yourself with understanding and supportive people will always give you that extra pep in your step when you’re running low on steam. Once again, I’m humbly blessed to be in business with a driven business partner (my husband) and hard-working crew. I can rest easy knowing I’ve got a team that has my back.   

Outsourcing your work where possible is also vital for a business to run 100%.  Don’t try and put together your own website, leave it to the professionals (that doesn’t mean it needs to cost you an arm and a leg) make sure you do your research first.

Do you hate social media, or find it just sucks the life out of you?  Outsource it to a professional – again this doesn’t need to cost you the earth.  Just do your research and you will be likely to find a guru that will make your work life 100% easier!  

You may think you can do it all, but a little outsourcing goes a long way to a successful business. So when you’re able to, outsource areas of your work that maybe other people excel at better than you.  That will give you more time to focus on what you are good at and will give you the extra time to actually grow your business!

You can do it too!  If you are a mother wanting to start your own business, don’t let others get in your way!

Let’s support fellow women in construction and Mothers in business.

Minister for Women and Member for Bulimba Di Farmer said there were many young, ambitious women keen to join a dynamic work environment the construction industry provides, which is great to see!

The Queensland Government stands behind the movement for more women in the construction industry today. “We want women to be able to take advantage of jobs in the construction industry just like anyone else.”

Finding your seven ways to juggle the Mum and business lifestyle is what’s going to help you through. And don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.

Where I am today & About Regal Crane Hire

Snapshot of my life: Woman in Construction, Mum, Business Co-Owner and Smashing It!

Hi, we’re Haydon & Annette of Regal Crane Hire Brisbane. We’re a family-owned and operated crane hire business founded in 2016.

Our fabulous team is well known as the South East QLD specialists in crane operations and hire for the commercial and residential construction industry, so crane hire is easy, profitable, and safe.

For more information about lifting your project and budget to new heights of success, please contact the crane hire specialists at Regal Crane Hire Brisbane, The Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast info@regalcranehire.com.au or by phoning us on 0431 171 332.

References:  https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/88606

By: Annette Brown, Co-Owner Regal Crane Hire, Brisbane April 2021

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