We all get busy at work and life in general, but we here at Regal Crane Hire think it’s just as important to keep educating not only ourselves but our future generations too.
So we thought it would be a great idea if we got our community spirit on and helped inform the kindy community about what crane operators, hirers and owners do.
Our aim was to facilitate a stronger relationship with the children and provide the public with balanced and objective information to assist them in understanding more about the crane industry.
We decided to take out our 55T crane for “show and tell” to our kids’ daycare/kindy, as it’s size is pretty impressive for the little ones…..and a great machine to demonstrate some ‘moves’ for the kids.
The children were in awe of the big crane and had a fantastic time as Haydon gave them an interactive experience in crane driving.
They found out what a crane driver does, learnt hand signals to demonstrate some daily operation requirements, like ‘hook up’ and ‘hook down’, heard the special whistles which our rigger, Nick used for giving instructions, and were able to walk around and see the crane themselves. Not to mention EVERYONE got a turn at sitting in the cab!
Here are a few other responses we got from some 2 year old’s:
Max: “lifts up to the sky. It does beep beep beep”
Louis: “My daddy’s crane. Go up high – big crane.”
Ava: “Big Crane” Lifts big. Up high”
We really enjoyed seeing the kids’ faces light up and it will definitely be a “site visit” we will never forget!