With so many crane companies and crane hire businesses available on the market it’s no wonder why it can be challenging to choose what’s right for you. As a consumer, we want the best for our project and often pick reputable companies with big brand names.

Do they really offer the best customer service?

It’s easy to pick MacDonald’s as a restaurant but we all know that the quality of the food isn’t always the best. It’s easy to pick the big guy in the room but what about the little guy?

Should we be backing local small businesses during these current times?

When we look at hiring a crane company we often seek out the most practical aspects of the company but don’t always seek out what matters most, the companies values. We look at the services but don’t always examine the “meat in the patty”. That’s why we thought it might be best to feature four tips for you to follow when picking a crane company, for your next job, and why the little local business might be worth a shot.

Does the business offer reliability?

We are going to be honest and say not all big businesses are bad, some well-known big brands offer great customer service and are on time, every time. Unfortunately there are a select few that don’t always offer reliable machines, reliable customer service and the results at the end of the job are not the best.

Have you met the owner? Have they offered you information about who they are and not just what they do?

If you want to be certain the crane crew will rock up on time every time for your job site then meet the owner. As someone great said, “leadership flows down from the top”. Meeting the owner will not only increase reliability but it allows you as a consumer to know that you can create a stable relationship with the business. Plus the advantage is you can also see if what they do on-site, matches up with who they are as a business.

What are the company’s current processes and do they invest in innovation?

As someone who has invested in a company you want to feel as though the investment was worth the money spent, especially in the crane industry. That’s why having honest, open communication on-site is so vital for your project’s success.

You want a company that can be flexible when stuff  happens and things don’t go precisely to plan. With this in mind have you looked at what is currently on offer regarding the businesses process?

Do they innovate their process and procedures so it reflects current times?

Regardless of the job, a company’s process should always have in mind the consumer and keep them at the forefront of their business. That means preparing and creating accessible services that make sense, and offer a good after sale process that truly has you in mind. Make sure you check the businesses reviews as this will offer you invaluable information about what the business does and how their process might suit you.

What are the companies top values and do they put these into practice?

Values are the best way to find out if the business will put you first. Why? Because these showcase the businesses behaviour and showcase whether they will “charge first and value you later” or “value you first and require you to pay”. With this in mind looking at the statement of values and whether the businesses imparts this behaviour into their work will not only impact your project but will also impact whether you want to reuse this service or not.

What’s the difference between small businesses vs larger companies?

Don’t get us wrong we love big crane companies but we also feature our businesses differently and have different ideology when it comes to how we do things. Big businesses may have more people power but small, local businesses truly care about the individual and what impression you gain as a consumer when you leave.

Not only does a family operated company provide loyalty, trust, extensive industry knowledge, top-level safety, flexibility and a genuine love for the industry and their customers, but you can also guarantee their entire team will adopt the same company values as you. So if you want a crane company who has a team with heart and that is driven and 100% committed to your project then why not check out some of the local crane businesses in Brisbane.

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